Karunamaya Destitute Home

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Karunamaya destitute home is a charitable institution established in the year 2010 run by the Society of Nirmala dasi sisters. It is established to help the destitute women whose problems have manifested into complicate nature and to provide shelter to needy, abandoned, helpless, homeless, destitute, poor and weaker persons of all communities without discrimination of caste, creed and religion.
To provide shelter, clothes, food, medicines and other facilities to the destitute women who are bereft of shelter.
To make the inmates the experience of Love of the God through tender loving care.
To make efforts for rehabilitating the inmates among their relatives if such possibilities are appearing and extend all possible help in this direction.
To undertake training and consultative programmes for the women so that they were become wanted and welcomed.
To arrange and monitor studies and research regarding the issues of the destitute women or to extend helping hand in this regard.
Care: Sisters always live with them, eat, play and pray with them. We provide the facilities for relaxation, recreation and attend to their spiritual and medical needs and at the end prepare them for a peaceful death.
2003-2006 Sr. Mary Vazhappilly
2006-2010 Sr. Lilly Payyappilly
2010-2012 Sr. Lucy Anthikkatt
2012-2014 Sr. Mercy Cheriakkara
2014-2017Sr Ruby Thanikkal
2017- Sr. Gracy Kuttikkatt