Maria Sadan

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We started a new mission Maria Sadan at Pedda Toopra Village in the year 2004 in Andra Pradesh. It is 30 kilometers away towards the South of Hyderabad City. As it is situated away from the main road, an interior place. It is surrounded by 25 villages with a population of 3000 persons; among them Catholics constitute 200 persons. Farming is very little and irrigation facilities are not functioning due to low rainfall. Yet some people strive to live by supplying various farm products to the city like grass, milk, vegetables, eggs etc,. Most of the men women and youth go to the town and other centres for daily work in various construction sites.
Convent History:
In the year 2004 Pedda Toopra Villagers donated to the Society of Nirmala Dasi Sisters one acre of cultivated land in the Pedda Toopra Village and 5 acres of uncultivated land 1 kilometer away from the village freely. They gave the land for charitable services especially medical mission. In the beginning Nirmala Dasi sisters stayed in a small home and do House visiting and pastoral work in the village. During this period Society founded the need to start a home for the aged and sick women and decided to start a place of solace to them. Thus Maria Sadan Home for the Aged and Disabled started in the year 2008 in this Village. It is run by Nirmala Dasi Seva Society a registered charitable society. Its reg. Number is 3580 of 1992. We started the home with two old ladies. At present there are 25 inmates in the home who are living a very happy life in the evenings of their life.
Importance of the Home:
Sisters found the old and poor grandma suffers from being neglected and no one to care for them on their old age during their pastoral visits in the village. Most of them are thrown out by their children and beloved ones. Due to their sickness, weakness and disabled situation they became helpless beg for others help for their rest of life. This un-pleasurable situation called us to start a Home for these neglected ones. We provide care and shelter to the needy, aged and disabled and poor ladies of every cast and creed without any discrimination. The most important love and sense of belongingness got them making the last years of the lives happier and more comfortable.
The home has limited facilities; it has two Dormitories with attached toilets. Each dormitory has ten beds and two special rooms for sick people, a Kitchen a small store room a corridor and a room for medical checkup a clinic and a room for the staffs.
Helping Hands:
Our financial resources are very limited. In fact now we are depending on the contributions of the public. One priest from our Village who is very much interested in this home in supporting the Institution
We accept the old grandmas as they are and trying to bring them to the main stream of our society. We give love and care which people miss in their family. We try to decent shelter to the Aged and the infirm and provide them with adequate food and clothing, medical Psychological care and support, recreational facilitates and occupational entertainment through Radio, Television. Video, Craft works, Tailoring, gardening, cooking etc,. We help in the last days of life for a peaceful death and a decent burial. Through this we make them aware Society as well as the old people that they are still valuable and wanted.
2004 Sr. Mary Vazhappilly
2004-2007 Sr. Annie Chalakal2007-2009Sr. Celine Kannampuzha
2009-2011 Sr. Chinnamma Kunnakat
2011-2014 Sr. Mary Payyappilly
2014- Sr. Kochuthressia Muttamthottil